Welcome to Year 1
My name is Miss Sillitoe and I am the class teacher in Year 1. Mrs Charnley is our wonderful learning support assistant.
Reading Books
Please listen to your child read at least three times a week and sign their reading record. There is a word bookmark in your child's reading records so please encourage your children to learn these words. Please ensure your child brings their book bag and reading books daily as there will be regular opportunities to read in class.
Homework will be sent via a message on Class Dojo every Friday. Please ensure that the set tasks are completed each week. The children who complete their homework every week will be awarded a certificate at the end of the term. The child who has earned the most coins on Numbots will be awarded a certificate each week.
Year 1 PE lesson is on Wednesday. Children need to have their PE bags in school every Wednesday and any other day they may have sports for after school club. The bags can be kept in school but please ensure that each item of clothing has your child's name in it.
If you have any worries, concerns or queries, please do not hesitate to come and see me.
We look forward to a successful and enjoyable year ahead!
The Year 1 team