Meet the Governors
Fred Kershaw
Chair of Governors - Foundation Governor - Term of Office 07.12.20 - 06.12.25
(Mr Kershaw can be contacted via the school)
I am the Chair of Governors at St Luke and St Philip’s Church of England Academy having joined in 2017. I was born in 1946 in Blackburn and so I am a local lad, being educated in local Church Schools both at Primary and Secondary level. I have a wealth of Educational experience having worked for the Blackburn Board of Education for 15 years, 12 as Assistant Director and 3 as Acting Director. I also currently the Chair of Governors of Blackburn St Matthews Church of England Primary School with Brunel Nursery School having held the position for a period of 5 years. I am passionate about raising standards and giving every child the opportunity to enjoy their time at school and to experience the Christian Faith as pupils in a Church of England School. I am a Trustee of The Ripley Educational Trust which is based in Lancaster and also a member of GideonsUk a Christian Charity which distributes The Bible and other portions of the Holy Scriptures in the community, particularly to Secondary School pupils in year 7, for 3 years I held the position of National President relinquishing the position in 2016.

Maggie Beck
Foundation Governor - Term of Office 26.04.23 - 25.04.27
I am a Primary School Teacher, having taught for over 35 years. I retired in 2018, having been Headteacher at Darwen St James’ CE Primary Academy, for nine very enjoyable years. I have had the privilege of serving as a Foundation Governor at St Luke and St Philip’s CE Primary Academy since 2019, and am also a governor at Wensley Fold CE Academy, Blackburn. I clerk Governor Meetings for the Local Authority. I care deeply about education for all, giving everyone opportunities to learn and to enjoy their learning. I love being creative, spending time knitting and crafting. I enjoy theatre visits, music and sports, especially supporting my football team.

Morag Rain
Staff Governor - Term of Office - 01.01.22 - 31.12.25
I was born in Paisley, Scotland, then spent my childhood in Cheadle Hulme, moving to Accrington in my early 20's. I worked in retail management for 34 years and came into education at St Luke and St Philip's nearly 3 years ago as Administration Manager. I have been a Governor for nearly a year and enjoy seeing the difference education and the school environment can make to children.

Alec Johnston
Foundation Governor - Term of Office - 14.07.22 - 13.07.26
I am married to Sibylle. Together we have 3 adult daughters. I am a dual national being born to British parents in London and also became a German citizen in 2021 as a consequence of Brexit. I worked for 5 years as department head in Derbyshire for a 1300 strong secondary school. I have worked in England, Germany and Japan with my German wife in church ministry and am presently pastor of Blackburn Baptist Church in Galligreaves. I have been directly involved for over 20 years in Germany on parent councils, including for many years as chairman of the city parents association for all schools in Furtwangen in the Black Forest. I love mountain walking, languages, impressionist painting and playing the piano.

Jason Gardner
Foundation Governor - Term of Office 26.01.22 - 25.06.26
I joined St Luke’s and St Philip’s as a governor in 2022 and have been the leader at the parish of St Luke’s, St Philip’s and St Mark’s since the Summer of 2021. I’m originally from the Lancaster area but have lived in London for over 2o years, moving back to the Northwest to be part of an exciting Church revitalisation project in Preston before making the move to East Lancs. I’ve been ordained since 2016 and before that worked as a youth worker, a lecturer for a Christian thinktank, an events organiser and within education as a Schools conference presenter. My wife Rachel helps lead St Luke’s church with me and we have two fantastic children, Daisy age 11 and Thomas 5. I love fell walking, film watching, attempting to master Chess and I’m a singer songwriter.
Fran Brown
Clerk to the LGC/Trust Governance Officer
Ruth Campbell
Parent Governor Vacancy – Please enquire at the school Office if you are interested in joining the Governing Body.
Please click on the link to view the latest Trust-wide governance statement (Trustees Report)
Trust-wide Governance Statement
Governors Documents
The following information can be found on our Trust’s website, here:
- The structure and remit of the Members, Board of Trustees and Local Governing Committees, including the names of the Chair of each
- Current Memorandum of Association
- Articles of Association
- Funding Agreement
- Annual Audited Accounts
- Annual Report (within annual accounts)
- Register of Interests for the Accounting Officer
- Number of employees whose benefits exceed £100K (within annual accounts)
- Details of the amount of time off taken by staff who are Union officials (within annual accounts)
- Gender Pay Gap information