Day to day information

Charging policy

It is not the policy of the Governors of St. Luke and St. Philip’s School to make charges for any educational activities undertaken on the school premises.

The Governors recognise the great value of educational visits for pupils and wish to support and encourage staff organising such events. However, with no funds available to support the costs of outings, parents will be requested to make voluntary contributions to cover the cost of any visits. Should the voluntary contributions be insufficient to pay for the trip then it will have to be cancelled. 

Code of conduct

These rules form the policy at St. Luke and St. Philip’s for the maintenance of good order and safety within the school.

  • Children should be outside the building at break and lunchtime unless supervised by a teacher.
  • Children should play in a sensible and friendly manner which will not hurt or upset other children.
  • Children should stay on the area allowed for play on any particular day.
  • Children MUST NOT leave the school premises without the permission of a member of staff during school hours.
  • Children are expected to use the toilets and cloakrooms in proper manner.
  • In the interests of safety children should walk at all times in the building.
  • Respect for the school buildings, equipment and other people’s property is important in our community.
  • Children should show respect for adults and consideration for other children. Politeness and good manners are encouraged.
  • The children must arrive at school for the opening time of 8.55am but are welcome to come into the building any time from 8.45am. Parents should be at school to collect children, where necessary, at 3.30 pm.
  • Children who keep these rules will be rewarded.

A record will be kept and should any children regularly break these rules and persistently misbehave, the pupil’s parents will be invited to come into school in order to discuss the situation with the Headteacher.

Our School Rules are:

  • Follow instructions the first time.
  • Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself.
  • Speak and behave respectfully at all times.

We encourage children to STOP, THINK AND MAKE A GOOD CHOICE.

General information


The school enjoys fine sporting facilities including a grassed area, an all weather pitch, a large tarmac playground and a well equipped hall. Every class is timetabled for at least one hour’s indoor P.E. lesson each week, and, weather permitting, this could be an outdoor games session.

Pupils are encouraged to fully participate to the best of their ability in all sporting activities and emphasis is placed upon the acquisition of skills and the enjoyment of the activities.

During the Summer term our Sports Day involves all pupils in four teams competing in a variety of events organised by all staff. Pupils are given the opportunity to participate in sporting clubs after school and matches are arranged against local schools in football, cricket, netball and rounders.

P.E./Games kit

All children should have pumps, black shorts, and a white T-shirt which are kept in a PE bag. Again all items should be clearly named so that your child is not upset by the loss of their PE kit.

Pupils taking part PE in the hall must wear pumps (not trainers) or go bare footed and all jewellery, watches and ear-rings removed. Trainers may be worn for outside P.E. lessons only. A child who has newly pierced ears must cover the studs with a plaster brought from home. This will be permitted for a maximum of six weeks. We encourage children who are having their ears pierced to have it done at the start of the six week summer holiday.


In the Infants your child is given a piece of English, Maths and Spelling homework to be completed weekly.  In the Juniors as well as weekly English, Maths and Spelling homework, every term your child will be given a homework grid to complete at home.   Please provide your child with a quiet area for them to work. It’s a good idea to switch off the television. Please remember to read with your child regularly and to complete the Home School Link Book. This helps your child’s teacher know how he/she is reading at home. Please help your child learn times tables and spellings. Please support your child with their homework by checking through it and offering support.


Swimming lessons are provided by the Local Education Authority as part of the curriculum. In order to develop water confidence children start swimming during the Summer Term in Year 2 and continue throughout Year 3. Children attend the swimming baths for a half hour session each week and our aim is to ensure that all pupils are able to swim before they move to their high schools. Please make sure that your child has a swimming costume. Pupils must wear a swimming cap.

Activities outside school hours

Such activities may vary from year to year. At present they include Choir, Library, Jagtag, Dodgeball and Multisports.  It is possible that day trips, or visits for the older children requiring residence away from home for a few days, may be organised.

Breakfast club

We have a Breakfast Club every morning starting at 7.50am until school time. The daily cost for Breakfast Club is £1.00 per day, or if you are entitled to Free School Meals from the council it is 50p. Payments for Breakfast Club sessions need to be made through ParentPay.


Should your child be away then you should contact school to inform us of the reason for the absence. A telephone call (01254 54866), a written note or a personal word with your child’s teacher will suffice. Please contact school before 9.15 a.m. We are required by law to mark in the register the reason for every absence.

We believe that it is vital for ever child to attend school as regularly as possible. From September 2013 the Local Authority guidance on holidays during term time changed. No holidays in term time will be permitted. Extended Leave, for emergency reasons only, may be permitted but a meeting must be arranged with the Headteacher to discuss this fully. Please try and make dental and medical appointments for after school. If your child has an appointment during the school day, please collect and return your child to school promptly.

During the year 2022-2023 the authorised absence rate of the 180 pupils on roll for at least one session was 2.4% This figure includes authorised absences associated with religious holidays celebrated by Muslim pupils, pupils on roll but attending other educational establishments and pupils making extended visits to see relatives in the Indian sub-continent. The unauthorised absence rate was 2.6%. Our Target for attendance is 96% for 2023-2024.


It is the policy of the school not to administer medicines or tablets during the day. Children who are taking medication are best kept at home where a close eye can be kept on them.

An exception to this is for asthma sufferers who need to use an inhaler during the school day. These children keep their medication in the classroom in clearly labelled bags.

Children who need to visit the dentist/clinic/hospital etc. during school hours should be collected from school by an adult.

The nurse regularly visits school and facilities are made available for them to undertake routine screening and medical examinations of pupils. Appointments are made for individual pupils and parents are invited to attend their children’s medicals.

Parents/carers and the school

Parents/carers are our partners in educating the children in our care and we therefore encourage and maintain close links between home and school. Throughout the year there are opportunities for parents to become involved in many ways, such as assisting during visits, helping in the classroom or library, or attending one of our parent/pupil sessions.

Class teachers are always happy to meet with parents to discuss any matters of concern but we would ask that if at all possible you make an appointment. This enables the class teacher to address your problem without having to also supervise the class at the same time.

If a situation arises that is really urgent then please come into school and contact either the Head or Deputy Head and we will do our best to deal with the matter immediately.

Meet the teacher

Each year, on at least two occasions, you will be invited into school to discuss your child’s progress and well being. Please remember that your child’s teacher has up to thirty children to care for, so please make every effort to make an appointment to discuss your child’s progress with their class teacher. You are welcome to contact school at any time.

Our Reception class teacher will organise an Induction meeting for new parents during the term before your child starts school. The School will contact the parents of children starting school in September and all parents and new children are welcome to join in the activities, and to meet the Reception class teacher and Support Staff.

School website

Information regarding our school can be found on the school website at Up to date information regarding the curriculum, clubs and events are available for parents to look at. Newsletters and holiday lists will also be posted on the website. You can also follow us on Facebook.


Smoking is not allowed on any part of the school site. It is hoped that parents will assist us by setting a good example to the children when coming onto the premises.

No dogs

Parents are requested not to bring dogs onto the playground when dropping off or collecting their children. If you do bring your dog when dropping or collecting your child, please ensure that you tie them up away from the entrance gates.


We are very conscious of our responsibilities towards the safety of pupils and they are supervised by members of staff continuously from 8.45am until 3.30pm. No pupil is allowed to leave the safety of the premises unless accompanied by a responsible adult.

We ask that parents play their part in providing for their children’s safety by making sure that pupils are adequately supervised on their way to and from school, and that they are picked up promptly at 3.30pm from the correct entrance.

Pupils whose parents arrive after 3.30pm wait inside school on the chairs by the main entrance until collected.

Parents arriving with pupils after 9.00am are asked to use the front entrance of the school and report to the Office and sign the late register. This helps us to keep a record of persons in the building. Similarly, parents collecting pupils during the day should first ask at the office.


Reports are written about each pupil at the end of the Spring Term. Parents have opportunity, when they have received their child’s report to meet the class teacher to discuss the report.

Road safety

We seek the assistance of parents in respecting the yellow zig-zag markings outside the school entrances and parking away from them. Young children should always be accompanied to and from school.

Parental request

Parents may at any time request a hard copy of any information or articles published on our website. Requests should be made to the school office.


Should you have a complaint or query concerning any aspect of the School you are invited to contact the Headteacher to discuss the matter. If the Head is unable to provide a satisfactory explanation you have the right under Section 23 of the Education Reform Act 1988 to address your complaint to either the Clerk to The Governors (Via the School) or Cidari Education, Clayton House, Walker Park, Blackburn, BB1 2QE.


High schools

We enjoy close links with local High Schools and we welcome their Staff into School to speak to our older pupils. On occasions we visit High Schools to enter sporting events, watch their plays or productions, and to use their facilities.

During June and July we liaise closely with the High School staff from the High Schools our pupils will be transferring to.