Welcome to Year 3!

Here you can find all the information for our fabulous Year 3 Class, and it is another platform to showcase our incredible work we do here in school.

Mrs Jackson is the class teacher working alongside Miss Mellor. If you need to speak with us, please do so at the end of the school day or send a message on Class Dojo, and we will be in touch.

As we all know reading is so important, please can you make sure that your child is reading a minimum of 3 times a week and is bringing their reading book to school everyday. If your child would like to read other books, please encourage them to do so.

Homework will be set occassionally on Google Classroom.  Please complete and send back to the class teacher. Spellings will also be given out, please can you encourage your child to learn them. 

PE is Wednesday morning, so please make sure your child is wearing their full PE kit to school so that are ready for the lesson. 

Any questions or concerns, please come and speak to a member of the Year 3 team straight away.