Welcome to the wonderful world of Year 6!

Welcome to the wonderful world of Year Six! Here you will be able to find out what goes on in our classroom and have a look what amazing work our children produce.

Mrs Fleming is the class teacher working alongside Mrs Milton.  If you need to chat with any of us, please send a message on Class Dojo, and we will be in touch.

As we know reading is important, so please can you make sure that your child reads regularly (at least three times a week). Children do not need to read a full book to get their reading records signed, and in Year 6, they can sign them themselves.

PE is on a Thursday afternoon- please ensure your child comes to school with their outdoor PE kit on this day. 

Homework is given at the beginning of every half term- children can return completed homework to school to be marked when they have completed tasks set. Occasionally, children may get extra homework to complete.

Attendance and punctuality is vital in Year Six- please ensure your child attends school every day, and is on time, and please try to make appointments out of school time.

We are looking forward to a wonderful year!