Welcome to Year 6!
This page gives you all you will need to know about Year 6 this year!
Mrs Sanderson is the class teacher working alongside Miss Patel and Mrs Holden (Maths). If you need anything or have any questions, please message us on Class Dojo and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Here at St Luke and St Philip's reading is vital, so please make sure that your children are reading at least three times and week and you are listening to them. Children do not need to read a full book to get their reading records signed.
PE is on a Thursday morning, so please ensure that your child comes into school with the correct PE kit. Below is what we expect.
1. White top
2. Black leggings/joggers/shorts
3. Black trainers/pumps
Homework is given weekly to complete. Children will be given a workbook to work in and extra reading may be given throughout the year. The homework grid is also available for children to complete when they want.
We are looking forward to a wonderful year!