Our Pupils’ perspective

In Geography, we learn we about the world the world around us and why it changes.


Subject Leader

Mrs Holden is our Geography subject lead. She loves to travel, exploring different landscapes, languages, cultures and most importantly to explore food from different cultures. She enjoys finding out how physical and human features were formed and believes God created a beautiful, but somewhat unpredictable, but fascinating world. Her vision is to equip the children with the Geographical skills they need to safely explore the world around them, building on their knowledge and enjoying God’s creations as much as she does.


Subject Intent

Learning about Geography in our school develops an understanding and respect of diverse cultures and lifestyles around our wonderful world. Children will realise that God’s values are not geographically centred and our school scripture can travel with them wherever they will go. They will learn to respect the planet, realising the danger it poses when harmed, and through self reflection will respect God’s creation and all that breathes on it.

The Geography curriculum - 

  • follows the National Curriculum as its foundation,

  • follows a sequence that builds on knowledge and skills throughout and across the key stages, 

  • is designed to be inclusive for all pupils, including boys and girls, those with SEND, socially disadvantaged backgrounds, different cultures and religions,

  • ensures knowledge is retained through the high quality teaching of a broad vocabulary, and through making meaningful links with other topics,

  • has been personalised to meet the needs of our pupils, ensuring learning is meaningful and in context with our pupils’ lives, with a strong focus on significant physical and human characteristics in our local area,

  • will develop the children’s knowledge of the locations of globally significant places – both land and sea – including their physical and human characteristics, comparing and contrasting with our own locality,

  • will enable children to understand the processes that give rise to key physical and human geographical features of the world, why features occur where they do, how they are interdependent and how they change over time,

  • will develop children’s geographical skills of reading and interpreting a wide range of geographical sources such as maps, diagrams, globes, aerial photographs and Geographical Information Systems (GIS),

  • will provide children with experiences of fieldwork that deepen their understanding of geographical processes,

  • will develop children’s understanding of current environmental issues both locally and world-wide, including the impact of human activity on our world and how, as individuals, they can make a difference,

  • prepares pupils for their future learning by ensuring all necessary knowledge and skills are taught in preparation for the following learning phase, and by developing the key cognitive skills of independence, creativity, problem solving, analysis and evaluation,

  • creates an air of excitement and a love for learning.

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